A denture is a removable prosthesis that replaces all of an individual’s teeth either on the upper or lower arch. A partial denture is also a removable prosthetic device that is made to replace one or more teeth on an arch. The most common complaint we hear about partials and dentures is that they are uncomfortable, but they don’t have to be. Discomfort is often a sign of a poorly fitting denture or partial. Our team of doctors will work to make your partial or denture looks and feels great.
This is a relief for those that need these dentures and partials. Nothing is worse than undergoing the process only to come away with an ill-fitting dental prosthesis. Great care is taken to ensure that does not happen here. Dentures and partial dentures should fit comfortably, and last a very long time. Make an appointment to discuss all of your options today.
Don’t just take our word for it – sometimes a picture says it all. Our traditional dentures and partials are perfectly fitting, just view some of the example below: