Smile Saver In House Savings Plan Terms & Conditions

  1. The Smile Saver In House Savings Plan is valid for 365 days from sign up.
  2. All services included within the plan must be used with the 365 days window.
  3. Any services not used during this period will be forfeited.
  4. Hygiene appointments (prophylaxis, periodontal maintenance, periodic exam, X-rays) that are canceled or missed with less than 2 days notice will be forfeited.
  5. Restorative treatment time that is canceled or missed with less than 2 days notice will be charged a fee of $50 per hour.
  6. Additional prophylaxis cleanings are available to be added for the standard rate of $123.
  7. Products are excluded from the 15% discount.
  8. Care Credit cannot be used to pay for the In House Savings Plan, nor in conjunction with the 15% off discount for services.
  9. By choosing our monthly payment plan option, you are agreeing to complete 12 monthly payments. Billing will be completed monthly on your enrollment date. The only way to cancel monthly payments prior to the completion of your 12 installments is to pay the remaining balance in one lump sum.
  10. Refunds are at the discretion of smiles in the gardens. 

If you default on your monthly payment, you will be required to pay the full balance of your savings plan within 30 days in order to stay enrolled in the program.

By Initialing above and printing your name below, I am agreeing that I have read and understand these terms and conditions.