How can I improve my oral hygiene?

How can I improve my oral hygiene?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth and overall wellbeing. Here are some tips to help you improve your oral hygiene:

  1. Brush twice a day: Brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the most important steps to maintaining good oral hygiene. Use a fluoride toothpaste and brush for at least two minutes each time, making sure to reach all surfaces of the teeth, including the back molars.

  2. Floss daily: Flossing is just as important as brushing, as it helps remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth and along the gum line. Use a floss pick or traditional floss, and be sure to clean between all teeth.

  3. Use mouthwash: Mouthwash can help freshen breath and kill bacteria that can cause cavities and gum disease. Look for a mouthwash with fluoride to help strengthen tooth enamel.

  4. Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet can help promote good oral health by providing essential nutrients that help build strong teeth and gums. Avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks, as they can increase the risk of cavities and erosion.

  5. Drink plenty of water: Drinking water helps flush away food particles and bacteria that can cause bad breath and tooth decay. It also helps keep the mouth hydrated, preventing dry mouth, which can lead to oral health problems.

  6. Don’t smoke: Smoking can cause a range of oral health problems, including bad breath, yellowing of teeth, and an increased risk of gum disease and oral cancer. Quitting smoking can improve your overall oral health and reduce the risk of these problems.

  7. Visit your dentist regularly: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health. Your dentist can identify and treat any dental problems before they become more serious, and provide advice on proper oral hygiene practices.

  8. Consider dental treatments: In addition to regular check-ups and cleanings, there are a range of dental treatments that can help improve your oral health, such as fluoride treatments, sealants, and orthodontic treatment. Talk to your dentist about which treatments may be right for you.

  9. Use a tongue scraper: Tongue scrapers can help remove bacteria and debris from the tongue, which can cause bad breath and other oral health problems. Use a gentle, back-and-forth motion to clean the surface of the tongue.

  10. Be gentle: When brushing and flossing, it’s important to be gentle to avoid damaging the teeth and gums. Use a soft-bristled brush and gentle pressure, and avoid scrubbing back and forth.

In summary, maintaining good oral hygiene requires a combination of daily habits and regular dental care. By following these tips, you can improve your oral health and reduce the risk of dental problems in the future. If you have any concerns about your oral health, be sure to talk to your dentist.

What are the proper steps for oral care?

Proper oral care is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums, preventing dental problems, and promoting overall good health. Here are the proper steps for oral care:

  • Brushing: Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. Choose a soft-bristled brush and brush for at least two minutes. Make sure to clean all surfaces of your teeth, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces.

  • Flossing: Floss your teeth at least once a day to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth. Use a piece of floss about 18 inches long and wrap it around your index fingers, leaving a few inches to work with. Gently slide the floss between your teeth, curve it around the base of each tooth, and use a gentle back-and-forth motion.

  • Mouthwash: Use mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Choose a mouthwash that contains fluoride and antimicrobial ingredients, which can help prevent cavities and gum disease. Swish the mouthwash around your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out.

  • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks: Sugary and acidic foods and drinks can cause tooth decay and erosion. Limit your consumption of these foods and drinks, and brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water after consuming them.

  • Replace your toothbrush: Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed. A worn toothbrush is less effective at cleaning your teeth.

  • Visit your dentist: Visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings at least twice a year. Your dentist can identify and treat dental problems early, before they become more serious.

By following these proper steps for oral care, you can maintain healthy teeth and gums, prevent dental problems, and promote overall good health.

What You Should Know Before Straightening Your Smile with Invisalign®

The first thing people notice about you is your smile. If you have crooked teeth, you may not feel confident about flashing your pearly whites in photos or in public. Although you can always edit your selfies, no smartphone app can correct bad breath or gum problems caused by misaligned teeth. Luckily, it’s never too late to use Invisalign® in Palm Beach Gardens to achieve the smile of your dreams. 

Invisalign in Palm Beach Gardens

What You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign Treatment 

It’s Safe 

Invisalign is a set of clear, flexible plastic made from medical-grade polyurethane resin. Moreover, they’re safe because the plastic doesn’t contain bisphenol-A (BPA), an industrial chemical that may trigger medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. 

It’s Invisible 

Unlike traditional braces consisting of metal pieces dotting your teeth, Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible. For this reason, they’re a popular choice among adults who have to keep up professional appearances. Invisalign treatment lets you straighten your smile without advertising that you’re wearing a corrective device.  

Since they won’t affect your appearance, adult patients won’t have to feel self-conscious at social engagements or business meetings. Unless you tell people you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment, they won’t notice anything unusual about how your teeth look.  

You Can Remove the Trays 

Since the aligners aren’t designed to withstand the pressure of chewing and biting, your dentist will advise you to remove them every time you eat or drink anything other than water. Additionally, you’ll have to take the aligners out while brushing or flossing your teeth. You’ll also need to clean the aligners with a toothbrush. 

There’s No Upward Age Limit  

Although it’s good to straighten crooked teeth while you’re in your teens, be glad to know there’s no upward age limit for Invisalign. Many patients who seek Invisalign’s cosmetic and oral health benefits are well into their 40s, 50s, and even older. It’s never too late to correct your less-than-perfect smile and make a lasting impression on everyone you meet.  

There’s a Time Commitment 

Trays of Invisalign plastic aligners are made from 3D scans of your unique mouth. These trays or sets are meant to be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day and changed to a new set of aligners every one to two weeks, as directed by your dentist.  

Each new tray gently moves your teeth into their correct positions to make them straighter. Although some patients finish the treatment in under a year, the entire teeth straightening process usually takes nine to 15 months. For quick results, you’ll have to visit your dentist every six to eight weeks to have your next sets of aligners made.  

You May Have to Use a Retainer After Treatment 

Most patients wonder if they’ll need to wear a retainer after treatment. In most cases, dentists encourage patients who’ve completed orthodontic treatment, whether with traditional braces or Invisalign, to use a retainer. This oral appliance prevents teeth from shifting back toward their original positions. Since every case is different, you’ll want to ask your dentist if you need to use retainers.  

a woman getting Invisalign in Palm Beach Gardens

Do You Need More Information About Invisalign in Palm Beach Gardens? 

At Smiles in the Gardens, we offer excellent options for patients who want straighter teeth without letting the whole world know they’re wearing braces. If you want to learn more about Invisalign, contact our office today to make an appointment. 

Historical Facts About the Humble Toothbrush

The best dentist in Palm Beach County encourages you to use it at least twice daily to keep your pearly whites healthy and cavity-free. While you know that your toothbrush plays a significant role in oral health, have you ever wondered about its history? We’ve compiled several historical facts about this humble tool. 

staff of the best dentist in Palm Beach County assists patients

Historical Facts You Should Know About Your Toothbrush 

The First Toothbrush Was a Stick 

Research shows that the first toothbrush used in Babylon, Egypt, and China was made of thin, frayed twigs. People used to twist and rub these “chew sticks” against their teeth to remove plaque and food particles from between them. Moreover, they used fragrant wood to ensure fresh breath.  

The First Toothbrush Bristles Were Made in China 

Around the 15th century, the Chinese folk decided to upgrade the traditional chew sticks by adding pig or boar hair as bristles. Thanks to their extra scouring effect, the bristles on the bamboo sticks were a huge hit. However, it wasn’t until the 17th century that boar bristle toothbrushes became incredibly popular in Europe.  

Over time, upper-class Europeans created alternatives to boar bristles, such as horsehair and custom badger hair. Instead of using wood sticks for brush models, they used toothbrushes made from ivory or bone.  

best dentist in Palm Beach County checks teeth of patient

A Prisoner Created the First Mass-Produced Toothbrush Prototype 

In 1770, an Englishman named William Addis was incarcerated for starting a riot. While in prison, Addis and the other prisoners cleaned their teeth with rags covered in salt or soot. He came up with a better solution by drilling holes into animal bones, stuffing bristles into the holes, and gluing them in place.  

After serving his prison sentence, Addis enhanced his toothbrush prototype and became the first commercial toothbrush manufacturer and seller. Records show that his sales reached over 1.8 million per year by 1927. 

The Three-Row Bristled Toothbrush Entered the Scene in 1844 

Although consumers had no complaints about toothbrushes made with single rows of bristles, manufacturers decided to produce toothbrushes that cover more surface area by replacing the typical toothbrush design with three rows of bristles. By 1844, everyone was using the new and improved commercial toothbrush. 

Artificial Bristles Replaced Natural Ones in 1938 

Over time, manufacturers discovered that artificial bristles were more comfortable and effective than traditional natural bristles. As a result, nylon bristles hit the scene in 1938. However, it wasn’t until WWII that U.S. soldiers popularized this new product when the military required them to carry and use nylon-bristled toothbrushes regularly. Although Americans back home were already brushing their teeth, the concept of toothbrushing with nylon bristles became a norm when WWII soldiers introduced this idea to the general public in the 1940s.   

An English Doctor Introduced the First “Electric” Toothbrush in 1880 

Dr. Scott, an Englishman, manufactured and sold the first “electric” toothbrush in 1880. Although he preferred to call them electric in all advertising, these devices weren’t really electric. Since these toothbrushes contained slightly magnetized iron rods in their handles, they didn’t require electricity.  

patient brushed teeth as suggested by the best dentist in Palm Beach County

Do You Need to See the Best Dentist in Palm Beach County? 

Smiles in the Gardens is committed to providing our patients with personalized care and a world-class dental experience. Our talented team is trained and experienced with many of the most advanced and effective procedures. Moreover, our dentists are members of several accredited dental organizations dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Contact us today to make an appointment. 

Top Benefits of Dental Implants

Many patients choose dental implants in Palm Beach Gardens to replace missing or severely damaged teeth. Dentists snugly insert these biocompatible, screw-like metal or ceramic posts into the bone to act as tooth roots while supporting a crown, bridge, or denture. Moreover, dental implants offer more benefits than other tooth-replacement options. 

senior man with Dental Implants in Palm Beach Gardens

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants? 

They Enable Natural Speech 

Your teeth play a significant role in helping you form certain words. Consequently, missing even a single key tooth at the front of your mouth can impact your ability to pronounce words correctly. Likewise, ill-fitting dentures can alter your speech and cause you to lisp or slur when they slide as you speak.  

Alternatively, a dental implant eliminates constant worrying about what your voice will sound like or whether or not your artificial teeth will slip or move around in your mouth. Since they’re permanently anchored, they consistently provide your tongue with a surface to press against as you form words. Since dental implants behave like your natural teeth, they allow you to speak confidently. 

They Restore Full Chewing Power 

Without teeth, chewing food can be a challenge. For this reason, patients with missing teeth miss out on nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, and meats. While some people choose conventional dentures to address this issue, these removable dental appliances won’t fully restore their bite force and chewing power. 

Since your dentist securely anchors the implants to your jawbone, they mimic the natural function of teeth. You won’t have to worry about them slipping or falling out while you bite and chew because they don’t just sit on top of your gums. Most patients can’t tell the difference between their natural and implanted teeth. 

They Stabilize Adjacent Teeth 

When a missing tooth leaves a gap, the adjacent teeth shift out of their original positions and move toward the space. Besides affecting your bite, this movement significantly impacts your appearance and ability to chew. Since dental implants behave like natural teeth, they help prevent dental crowding, malocclusion, and problems with your TMJ (temporomandibular joint) by keeping adjacent teeth stable. 

They’re Built to Last 

While bridgework, dentures, and other similar restorations require replacements after a few years, dental implants won’t need repairs or replacements. With proper oral hygiene care, your implants can last for decades or even a lifetime. 

They Prevent Jawbone Deterioration 

When your dentist places the implants directly into your jaw, the bone grows around the metal post just like it would a natural tooth root. Since an implant acts as your new tooth’s roots, it prevents bone loss by stimulating your body to continue delivering nutrients to your jawbone. No other tooth replacement option prevents jawbone deterioration the way dental implants do.  

They Prevent Premature Aging and Facial Sagging 

A complete set of teeth helps support the facial structure. You lose that support when you lose your teeth. As a result, the lower third of your face collapses while the distance between the tip of your nose and chin gradually closes.  

Moreover, excess wrinkles will appear around your mouth, your lips will look thinner, and your chin will appear more pointed, making you look much older than your actual age. Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants helps prevent premature aging and facial sagging by providing the same support for your facial structure as your natural teeth.  

gloved hand holding Dental Implants in Palm Beach Gardens

Considering Dental Implants in Palm Beach Gardens? 

At Smiles in the Gardens, we offer tooth replacement options to help you regain your functional, healthy, and beautiful smile. Contact us today to make an appointment. 

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Your dentist will go above and beyond to keep your natural teeth intact. However, when saving your painful tooth isn’t possible, they may refer you to an oral surgeon in Palm Beach Gardens to have it extracted. Although getting a tooth pulled isn’t a walk in the park, it may be necessary for situations where leaving the bad tooth could lead to more serious oral health concerns.  

Tooth extraction is a dental solution that involves the removal of a tooth from its alveolus or socket. While general dentists and periodontists can perform this procedure, oral surgeons often carry out tooth extraction.  

Tooth extraction concept with an array of stainless steel dental tools at the office of an Oral Surgeon in Palm Beach Gardens

Signs You Need to Get Your Tooth Pulled 

Severe Tooth Decay 

Tooth decay results from the buildup of plaque and tartar on the surface of teeth. As these deposits weaken the tooth enamel and the condition gets bad enough, plaque and tartar buildup may cause an infection to develop. When an infected tooth causes intense pain, your oral surgeon may need to remove the tooth and replace it with a dental implant or another form of dental restoration to prevent bone loss and other oral health issues. 


If your mouth doesn’t have enough space to accommodate an emerging wisdom tooth, the erupting tooth will cause pain in the back of your jaw as it presses against the neighboring molar. Moreover, the impacted wisdom tooth will jostle for space and cause your other teeth to move out of position.  

Since crooked teeth are challenging to clean, this condition increases the risk of developing tooth decay, cavities, and infection. Unless your oral surgeon pulls the problematic tooth, you’ll experience more severe dental issues you wouldn’t want to deal with. 

Gum or Periodontal Disease 

Without regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings, plaque ad tartar will build up on teeth, irritate the gums, and cause gum disease. It’s worth noting that patients can develop various gum conditions that significantly impact the bone that supports the teeth. However, the most common conditions include gingivitis and periodontitis.  

While gingivitis refers to the inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth, periodontitis refers to the inflammation of the bone that supports the teeth. Once the bone deteriorates too much, the oral surgeon may recommend tooth extraction in favor of a dental implant or bridge to preserve the existing teeth. 


Accidents can cause significant physical damage to teeth. Furthermore, tooth extraction may be the only option if a car crash or a stray baseball that came at you wreaked havoc on your pearly whites.  

What to Expect in a Tooth Extraction Procedure 


Before your extraction, you and your oral surgeon will discuss your course of treatment. This is your chance to get specific answers to questions or concerns you might have. Moreover, you’ll want to write down your thoughts ahead of time to ensure that you’ve covered everything. 


Your oral surgeon will apply local anesthesia to the extraction site until it’s completely numbed. Although you may feel pressure during the procedure, you shouldn’t feel any pain. 

Loosened Tooth 

Your oral surgeon may use forceps and a dental elevator to lift and loosen the tooth. 


Once the tooth is ready, the oral surgeon removes it from the socket and stitches the opening in the gum to close the wound.  

Smiling young woman visiting an Oral Surgeon in Palm Beach Gardens

Looking for a Trusted Oral Surgeon in Palm Beach Gardens? 

At Smiles in the Gardens, we’re dedicated to helping you meet your smile goals by providing high-quality dental care in a safe and comfortable environment. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. 

Smile Issues Porcelain Veneers Can Fix

If you think that porcelain veneers are only for the rich and famous, think again. Your cosmetic dentist in Palm Beach Gardens bonds these wafer-thin yet durable pieces of porcelain to the front of your natural teeth. The result is a perfect-looking smile like those you see on the big screen! The good news is that porcelain veneers can fix multiple smile issues! 

illustration of veneers by a cosmetic dentist in Palm Beach Gardens

What Aesthetic Imperfections Can Porcelain Veneers Fix? 

Stained or Discolored Teeth 

Some people have DNA that causes their teeth to appear naturally yellow or dull. Moreover, others develop antibiotic stains permanently calcified in their teeth during childhood, even before their teeth erupt. While daily brushing and flossing can remove specific stains, these oral hygiene practices won’t be enough to remove these stubborn stains and whiten teeth. 

You can eliminate stained teeth or discoloration with porcelain veneers and have a whiter and brighter smile. Your dentist will help you choose the exact shade of white you’d like your teeth to be. Moreover, they’ll customize your veneers to ensure that they seamlessly blend with your natural teeth.   

Chipped or Cracked Teeth 

Chipped or cracked teeth are vulnerable to oral health concerns. Furthermore, chewing your favorite foods can be challenging because of the chips and cracks that impede your bite. Whether the damage resulted from an injury or years of wear and tear, porcelain veneers can cover up your teeth’s jagged or uneven edges while preventing further damage.  

cosmetic dentist in Palm Beach Gardens compares veneers to natural teeth

Worn-Down Teeth 

Bruxism is a condition in which the patient unconsciously clenches or grinds their teeth. Unfortunately, chronic grinding causes them to wear down their teeth over time. If you have worn-down teeth, your dentist can use porcelain veneers to give you a new smile. However, you’ll have to address bruxism before considering this smile makeover option. 

Misshapen Teeth 

While some patients are born with uneven or irregularly shaped teeth, others have microdontia, a condition in which one or more teeth are smaller than they should be. Since adults with microdontia look like they have baby teeth, they’re usually self-conscious about their smile’s appearance. Since porcelain veneers can make your teeth more uniform in shape and size, they’re ideal for correcting misshapen teeth. 

Gapped Teeth 

Whether you didn’t get braces as a teen or you did wear them but your teeth shifted back to their wrong positions, you’ll benefit from using porcelain veneers. They’re the quickest and most effective solution to gaps between teeth. Your dentist places the veneers over your gapped teeth to eliminate the empty spaces and give you a more naturally-looking and straighter smile.  

Crooked or Overcrowded Teeth 

Overlapped or slightly crooked teeth are prone to decay and cavities. Porcelain veneers will not only straighten your smile, but they’ll improve your overall oral health as well. Unlike orthodontic treatments that may take a year or two to complete, porcelain veneers can address this problem in just a few visits.  

Tooth Sensitivity 

Tooth sensitivity can cause you to wince in pain when your teeth come in contact with hot or cold foods and beverages. Since porcelain veneers provide an extra layer of protection, they act as a barrier between your teeth and anything that may trigger pain or discomfort when eating or drinking. 

cosmetic dentist in Palm Beach Gardens checks dental veneers

Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist in Palm Beach Gardens? 

At Smiles in the Gardens, we provide a wide range of high-quality dental care in a safe and comfortable environment. Contact our friendly staff today to make an appointment.   

Best Practices to Improve Your Oral Hygiene Routine

A trusted Palm Beach Gardens dentist would tell you that achieving a healthy smile takes a lifetime of care. Even if you have nice teeth, taking the proper steps to care for them can keep your mouth clean and disease free. Establishing and maintaining a good oral hygiene routine helps you stop oral health issues such as cavities, bad breath, gum disease, and tooth loss. 

Additionally, research suggests that oral health is linked to whole body health. Bacteria from an infection in your mouth can enter the bloodstream and reach other areas of your body, resulting in other health issues such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. To help you achieve long-lasting overall health, we’ve compiled these oral hygiene tips to ensure a more thorough clean. 

Palm Beach Gardens dentist scheduled visit marked on a calendar

Oral Hygiene Tips for a More Thorough Clean 

Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush 

Dental professionals recommend changing your toothbrush every two to three months or as soon as you notice the bristles are frayed. If you’re using a hard-bristled toothbrush, you’ll want to replace it with soft bristles. Although medium- and hard-bristled toothbrushes may seem effective at cleaning your teeth, they can be abrasive and damaging to your tooth enamel over time.  

Tilt the brush at a 45-degree angle against your gum line and brush in short, circular motions. Since brushing too vigorously can hurt your teeth and gums, it’s best to use a gentle amount of pressure as you clean your teeth. 

Use a Fluoride Toothpaste 

No matter which toothpaste version you choose, use one that contains fluoride. This substance remains a mainstay in oral health because it protects teeth against decay. Besides providing a protective barrier for your teeth, fluoride eliminates germs that lead to decay and cavities. 

Brush Twice a Day 

Since brushing too often can cause damage to your gums and tooth enamel, experts confirm that brushing twice a day is enough. They also recommend rinsing your mouth with plain water after every meal and snack. While at it, be sure to do some vigorous swishing so you can force the liquid between your teeth and dislodge any food debris. 

woman with toothache needs to visit a Palm Beach Gardens dentist

Start Brushing in the Back 

Your molars are more susceptible to gum disease and cavities because of their nooks and crannies. For this reason, you’ll want to give your back teeth the attention they deserve by beginning your brushing routine in the rear. Start brushing the upper side in the back so you won’t miss any spots. 

Floss Once Daily 

Since brushing alone won’t allow you to clean the spaces between your teeth, it’s best to floss once daily. Besides getting little pieces of food off your teeth, flossing reduces plaque, stimulates your gums, and minimizes gum inflammation. If you have dexterity issues, you may use dental picks and interproximal brushes to clean hard-to-reach areas. However, it’s worth noting that while water flossers can remove large pieces of debris, they can’t eliminate the biofilm from teeth surfaces.   

Clean Your Tongue 

Your tongue is like a sponge that holds bacteria. For this reason, it’s best to brush your tongue whenever you brush your teeth gently. You can also use a tongue scraper to ensure thorough cleaning. 

Rinse with Antibacterial Mouthwash 

Besides washing away the remaining traces of food and debris, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash after brushing and flossing removes plaque and keeps harmful bacteria at bay. Moreover, use an alcohol-free formula to prevent xerostomia or dry mouth. 

patient smiles at camera before getting a treatment performed by a Palm Beach Gardens dentist

Looking for a Palm Beach Gardens Dentist? 

At Smiles in the Gardens, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Contact us today to make an appointment. 

What Are the Benefits of Regular Dental Cleanings?

While daily brushing and flossing top the list of ways people can take care of their teeth, regular professional dental cleanings can also significantly impact their overall health and well-being. Those who understand the importance of regular dental visits search for “the best dental hygienist near me.” 

Moreover, professional dental cleaning involves three steps: scaling, polishing, and flossing. Scaling refers to the careful removal of a sticky film of bacteria called plaque from the tooth’s surface below the gum line. The dental hygienist may use handheld instruments such as a dental scaler and curette to scrape plaque off the tooth.  

They may also use an ultrasonic instrument that features a vibrating metal tip that comes with a cool water spray to scale teeth. As the water flushes out the gum pockets, the metal tip chips tartar away. 

Next, they’ll use a high-powered brush and a gritty paste to eliminate any remaining surface stains. As the last step, they’ll floss the patient’s teeth to remove traces of plaque that could be lurking between teeth.   

The Best Dental Hygienist Near Me working on a patient's teeth

Benefits of Regular Dental Cleanings 

It Helps Remove Built-Up Stains 

Certain foods and beverages can leave stains on teeth. When these stains build up over time, they’ll produce a dull-looking smile that won’t help you make the impression you hope for. Thankfully, professional dental cleaning can eliminate these built-up stains, give you perfectly polished teeth, and brighten your smile. 

It Promotes Early Detection of Oral Health Issues 

During a dental cleaning appointment, the dental hygienist uses a small mirror to check the inside of the mouth. They’ll pass the information on to the dentist if they catch mild oral health issues. However, if they notice a serious problem, they may pause the cleaning and consult with the dentist on how to proceed. 

If you’re looking to avoid needing a root canal, tooth extraction, or gum surgery, it’s best to schedule professional dental cleanings every six months. Maintaining bi-annual dentist visits allows them to screen you for other oral health concerns such as tooth decay, cavities, broken fillings, gum disease, and oral cancer

It Reduces the Risk of Gum Disease 

Did you know that 75% of American adults have gum disease? Gum disease eventually leads to tooth loss and other severe conditions without prompt diagnosis and treatment. Scheduling regular check-ups with your dentist and dental cleanings with your dental hygienist can significantly reduce the risk of gum disease and help keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

It Prevents Chronic Bad Breath 

Halitosis, or chronic bad breath, is a sign of an underlying dental problem. While people who brush, floss, and use mouthwash regularly can generally have good breath, food debris and bacteria can build up in your mouth’s hard-to-reach areas. Unless you get your teeth and gums professionally cleaned, this buildup will lead to chronic bad breath that no amount of mouthwash and mints can cover up. 

It Helps Lowers the Risk of Serious Medical Conditions 

Several studies suggest that chronic inflammation due to gum disease contributes to the hardening of the arteries, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Since regular professional dental cleanings help prevent gum disease, significantly lowering your risk of severe medical conditions. 

a patient giving a thumbs up sign with the Best Dental Hygienist Near Me

Looking for the Best Dental Hygienist Near Me? 

Smiles in the Gardens is committed to providing our patients with high-quality dentistry using cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment. Contact us today to experience personalized care in a safe and comfortable environment. 

Why Should I Replace Missing Teeth?

Did you know that around 120 million American adults are missing at least one tooth? While having a gap in your teeth can make you feel embarrassed or comfortable, missing a tooth can also wreak havoc on your oral health. For these reasons, the best dentist in Palm Beach Gardens confirms that prompt tooth replacement is necessary. Moreover, they won’t hesitate to discuss the restorative options that best suit your needs. 

a Dentist in Palm Beach Gardens checking a patient's teeth

Why Replace Missing Teeth? 

Severe tooth decay, trauma, and gum disease usually result in tooth loss. Sometimes, a dentist may have to extract teeth to localize an infection, relieve painful symptoms, or prevent further damage to the neighboring teeth. A tooth that falls out or is removed leaves behind an empty tooth socket. 

At this point, most patients wonder what they should do next. While some may decide to take no further action once the site heals, others choose to replace their missing tooth due to the following reasons: 

Bone Resorption 

Natural teeth embedded in the jawbone stimulate the bone through activities that include chewing and biting. When teeth are missing, the portion of the jawbone called the alveolar bone, which anchors the teeth in the mouth, will no longer receive the stimulation. Unfortunately, the lack of stimulation causes the body to break down and absorb the bone tissue.  

Your dentist can help you avoid the harmful effects of bone resorption by replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, dental bridges, or dentures. However, dental implants are the only ones that can prevent bone loss out of all methods used for replacing missing teeth. 

Changes in Facial Structure 

Bone resorption occurs around six months after losing a tooth. Over time, bone loss will cause significant changes to your facial structure. Dental health experts confirm that losing a back tooth can make your face look older by causing your mouth to shift.  

Since all aspects of your face are intertwined, tooth loss causes your alveolar bone to deteriorate and your muscles to droop. Conversely, prompt tooth replacement helps ensure that your other teeth are kept in place, your mouth stays healthy, and your face won’t look older.  

Uneven Bite 

Unless the entire upper and lower arch of your mouth is full of teeth, you won’t be able to maintain an even bite. The gaps in between teeth resulting from missing teeth eventually cause your other teeth to shift out of their correct positions to fill in the gaps. This movement significantly impacts how the upper arch meets the lower arch. If you want to prevent your teeth from shifting to ensure your bite remains as it was before you lost a tooth, you’ll want to replace missing teeth immediately. 

TMJ Disorders 

Your temporomandibular joints, or TMJs, on both sides of your head, help you chew food and rotate your jaw. Losing a tooth and failing to replace it can cause changes to these muscles that may trigger physical pain. Since prevention is the best treatment for TMJ disorders, you’ll want to consult with your dental care provider about options for teeth replacement. 

a Dentist in Palm Beach Gardens at work

Looking for the Best Dentist in Palm Beach Gardens? 

If you have missing teeth that need replacing, it’s best to act quickly. The team of dental professionals at Smiles in the Garden is committed to providing you with personalized care and a healthy and beautiful smile. Contact us today to make an appointment.